In today's time, many people consume Viagra to increase their sexual power. But Viagra also has many harmful effects on the body of men. In such a situation, you can increase your sexual power by consuming some Ayurvedic things, this will also keep the body healthy and fit.
1. Pumpkin Seeds: Consuming pumpkin seeds increases sperm production, speed, count and reduces the risk of prostate cancer. Also, omega-3 fatty acids are found in pumpkin seeds which work like Viagra for men.
2. Watermelon Seeds: Watermelon seeds also contain manganese, lysine, glutamic acid, arginine and lycopene, all these nutrients work to increase fertility. Along with this, they also strengthen the sexual power of men, it increases sperm count.
3. Sesame seeds: Sesame seeds are rich in antioxidants. They inhibit lipid peroxidase and other enzymes, which improve the quality of sperm. Its consumption also increases the sexual desire of men. At the same time, vigor and stamina remain in the body.