Ahmedabad. The estranged wife of a Gujarat IAS officer died on Sunday after consuming poison at the doorstep of the officer's house in Gandhinagar. Last month, the IAS officer had eloped with a gangster from her native Tamil Nadu, where she was also involved in a child kidnapping case. The woman's name was Surya J (45). After consuming poison, she was admitted to the Civil Hospital in the Gujarat capital for treatment, where she died during treatment. According to the police, Surya consumed the poisonous substance on Saturday morning. She had reached the house of her husband Ranjit Kumar J. Here, her husband, angry with the woman, instructed his staff not to allow her to enter the house.
After consuming poison he called the ambulance himself
Ranjit had clearly told the staff not to let Surya in under any circumstances. She reached here and tried to force her way in but the staff did not let her in. Frustrated by this, she (Surya) consumed poison and called 108 (ambulance helpline).
Police also found a suicide note
Gandhinagar SP Ravi Teja Vasamsetty said police found an alleged suicide note written in Tamil near Surya J, but refused to divulge details. Police said J Surya was involved in the kidnapping of a 14-year-old boy from Madurai along with gangsters. Surya may have gone to her husband's house to avoid arrest by Tamil Nadu police in the case.
2 crore ransom was demanded
Surya's name cropped up in the case along with her alleged lover and local gangster High Court Maharaja and his associate Senthil Kumar. They had allegedly kidnapped the boy on July 11 over a monetary dispute with the child's mother. They had demanded a ransom of Rs 2 crore from his mother, but the Madurai police managed to rescue the boy. The police then began searching for all the people involved, including Surya.
A source privy to the development said that Surya had left Ranjit Kumar and eloped with a gangster named High Court Maharaja about nine months ago. SP Vasamsetty cited the kidnapping case as a factor. “I came to know from reports that he (Surya) was accused of kidnapping in Madurai, which forced him to take the extreme step,” the officer said.
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