Parul Gulati is seen playing the role of Pallavi in the recently released web series Bluetick. This series introduces us to the truth of social media. In such a situation, we talked to Parul about many issues including her presence on social media, followers, trolling. Highlights of the conversation with Urmila Kori
What are the similarities between Bluetick's Pallavi and you?
The similarity is that social media plays a very important role in both our lives. We both are finding our place through social media. I got a chance in acting through Facebook. Social media is still very important in my professional life.
How different are you from Pallavi?
She runs after likes and follows on social media. There is a dialogue in the series that until I get this many followers, I will not touch non-veg and alcohol. She makes a vow to the Goddess. I will never make a vow for this.
So for what things does Parul pray to God?
One Imtiaz Ali should make me his heroine. I should be cast in a big Dharma film and my brand Nish Hair should cross 100 crores. These are my only three wishes.
How many million followers do you wish to reach?
Until I reached one million followers, I used to wonder when I will reach this figure. Now that I have reached it, I am very grateful to everyone. Everyone wants to have 50 million followers. I am no different, but I am not in any rate race to achieve it.
Any show that made your follower count increase tremendously overnight?
I did a show called Girls Hostels for TVF. It has had three seasons. After the first season, I had two to three lakh followers. The number kept increasing with each season and with the third season I crossed one million. I had never imagined that a show could increase so many followers.
Do you stalk anyone on social media?
Priyanka Chopra, I like her very much and I like Kylie Jenner's business sense very much. I make sure to stalk both of them on social media every day.
Since we are talking about business, you are a businesswoman as well as an actress, how do you manage both the things?
To be honest, as an actress I am not at that stage where I have so much work that I don't have time for other things. Right now I have time, so I am managing it. Along with this I am also making such a strong team that if tomorrow I get busy then my team will manage everything for me.
You Where did you get this business sense from?
(Laughs) Because of my poverty, when you don't have anything, you try to get it. As an actor, I want to make a name for myself. I love working. When I wasn't getting work in acting, I thought I should make a product. I am so greedy to see my name on something that I started the niche hair business.
You have also been a victim of trolling because of your business sense, when you talked about Air BnB in Goa?
Yes, I felt bad. I thought what did I say. I didn't say anything wrong to anyone. I didn't steal anyone's money. Why did people feel so bad about me buying a house in Goa and giving it on rent? Yes, I understood from that incident that people can interpret anything in any way, so one should think before speaking.
Do you read every comment in the comment section of your posts?
I think what is the point of thinking where you can't do anything. I can't control what people think. I can control how much work I can do. It takes me 18 to 20 hours to do all the things, so I plan my day accordingly. By the way, I am an expert in commenting. If something funny happens, I definitely comment on it.
If you work for 20 hours, then how many hours do you sleep?
Four to five hours of sleep is enough for me. My metabolism is also very good because of my mother, so one hour a day is enough for fitness. After that I give all my time to my work.
There is often a debate that influencers should not be into acting?
She is playing the character of Pallavi in this show. She wants to become a heroine even when you do not come from a filmy background. We hear about auditions but the reality is that no one can go and give an audition. In such a situation, social media is a platform through which they can showcase their talent. It has been shown in our show also that nothing is right or wrong but if you get a chance then you first make yourself popular and then you can pitch yourself in your desired profession.
In Blue Tick, your family objects to many of your social media posts. In your personal life too, does your family tell you not to post such things?
I remember when Orkut was a new platform. My mother had forbidden me from putting my picture on it, but I wanted to, so I created an account on Facebook, which I did secretly and put my picture on it. That account got me an acting offer. After which, the family members also understood that their daughter has gone out of their hands. Now what will she listen to?
What are the upcoming projects?
I will be seen in another series this year and am shooting a web series.