The word Guru has originated from Sanskrit language and has a deep spiritual meaning. In its two letters Guru, the word Gu means ignorance. The word Ru means the light of spiritual knowledge which destroys spiritual ignorance. In short, Guru is the one who removes the darkness of spiritual ignorance from mankind and provides him spiritual experiences and spiritual knowledge. Guru Purnima comes at the beginning of the rainy season. From this day onwards, for four months, sages and saints stay at one place and spread the Ganga of knowledge. These four months are also the best from the point of view of weather. Neither too hot nor too cold. Therefore, they are considered suitable for study. Just as the land satiated by the heat of the sun gets coolness and the power to produce crops from rain. Similarly, the seekers present at the feet of the Guru get the power to attain knowledge, peace, devotion and yogic power.
Guru Purnima is a special festival for the tradition of Guru and disciple. Guru leads the disciple on the right path with his knowledge. Therefore, this festival is celebrated every year in honor of the Gurus. Apart from the Guru, Lord Vishnu and Mother Lakshmi are also worshiped on the day of Guru Purnima. Maharishi Ved Vyas, the author of Mahabharata, was born on the full moon day of Ashadh month. Worship is done on the occasion of his birth anniversary. The great saint Kabirdas ji has described the importance of Guru in this way-
Guru Govind dou khade kake lagu pay,
I am grateful to you, Guru, for showing me Govind.
That is, if God and Guru are standing in front, then Guru's feet should be touched first because he is the one who has made us realize God. Guru's place is higher than even God. The famous emperor Chandragupta Maurya got the throne by making Chanakya his Guru. In history, every great king had some Guru or the other. The relationship between Guru and disciple is very sweet. In ancient India, there were no schools and colleges like today. At that time education was imparted through Gurukul system. Children from all sections of society used to go to Gurukul and get education. They used to get education by staying in Gurukul (Ashram).
On the day of Guru Purnima, Lord Shiva first imparted the knowledge of yoga to his first seven disciples, the Saptarishis. Thus, Adiyogi Shiva became Adi Guru i.e. the first Guru on this day. The Saptarishis went to the whole world with this knowledge. Even today, the knowledge given by Adiyogi is at the core of every spiritual process on earth. The Guru removes the ignorance of the seeker. So that he can experience the source of creation within himself. Traditionally, the day of Guru Purnima is the time when the seekers offer their gratitude to the Guru and receive his blessings. Guru Purnima is considered to be a day giving special benefits for practicing yoga sadhana and meditation.
This day is also the birthday of Krishna Dwaipayan Vyas, the author of Mahabharata. He was a great scholar of Sanskrit and he also composed all the four Vedas. For this reason, one of his names is Veda Vyas. He is called Adiguru and in his honor Guru Purnima is also known as Vyas Purnima. Saint Gheesadas of Bhaktikal was also born on this day, he was a disciple of Kabirdas.
To show the similarity between Guru and God, it is said in a shloka that the devotion required for a Guru is the same as that required for a God. In Sikhism too, Guru is considered as God. Hence, Guru Purnima is an important festival of Sikhism too. Sikhism believes in only one God and the words of its ten Gurus as the real truth of life.
The deep meaning behind choosing the full moon of Ashadh is that the Guru is like the full moon. Which is fully illuminated and the disciples are like the clouds of Ashadh. The moon is surrounded by clouds in Ashadh, just as the Guru is surrounded by disciples in the form of clouds. The Guru can shine like the moon even in the darkness. Only if he can ignite light even in that dark environment, then only the position of the Guru is superior. Hence the full moon of Ashadh is important.
Guru's blessings are beneficial and enlightening for everyone. Therefore, after worshipping the Guru on this day, one should seek the blessings of the Guru. In today's fast-paced materialistic society, we need a Guru a lot. The importance of a Guru is not only seen in the field of education but in a broader sense. Now many people take refuge in some Guru for spiritual peace.
Therefore, only a Guru can show the right path to every misguided person. Therefore, the meaning of Guru is very wide and big. We all should bow down to our Gurus. The knowledge they have given us can never be repaid.
Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh celebrates Guru Purnima festival every year in all its branches. Guru Purnima is also one of the six festivals of the Sangh. On the day of Guru Purnima, volunteers will celebrate this festival in all the branches of the Sangh in the country. The volunteers of the Sangh consider the saffron flag as their Guru, not any person. On that day, along with worshipping the saffron flag, they also dedicate whatever they can to the Guru. The founder of the Sangh, Dr. Keshav Baliram Hedgewar started Guru Puja for the volunteers. This guru is not any person but the saffron flag. The Sangh worships elements, not individuals.
The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh has established the saffron flag in place of its Guru. The saffron flag is a symbol of sacrifice and dedication. It is a symbol of the colour of the sun which burns itself to give light to the whole world. Sadhus and saints who dedicate themselves for the eternal happiness of all living beings wear saffron clothes. Therefore, saffron is a symbol of sacrifice.
In Nepal, it is celebrated as Guha Purnima. Students welcome their Guru by offering food, flower garlands and wearing specially designed hats. Fairs are organized in schools to showcase the hard work of the Guru. By celebrating this day, the relationship between Guru and disciple becomes even stronger.
By installing Guru Yantra on Guru Purnima, there is no dearth of good fortune in life. All tasks are completed. Success is achieved in the field of work. Guru Purnima is a tradition dedicated to all those spiritual and academic gurus who are ready to enlighten the personality development based on Karma Yoga, sharing their wisdom with little or no monetary cost. Guru Purnima is celebrated as a festival by the followers of Hindu, Jain and Buddhist religions in India, Nepal and Bhutan. Mahatma Buddha gave his first sermon on this day in Sarnath, Uttar Pradesh.
-Ramesh Sarraf Dhamora