Health Desk: Sexual pleasure is a necessity in human life. Many researches have claimed that sexual pleasure keeps a person's physical and mental condition good. Because during sexual activity, oxytocin hormone is released from the body into the bloodstream, which relieves mental stress.
These are the 7 benefits of having sexual pleasure every day?
1.Daily sexual pleasure helps to overcome stress, depression and anxiety.
2 .Couples who are sexually active sleep well and remain relaxed.
3.According to a research, having sexual pleasure every day reduces the risk of heart attack in men.
4.Sexual pleasure for both men and women strengthens the body's immune system. This reduces the chances of disease in the body.
5.Sexual pleasure increases the heart rate of the couple and this increases blood circulation in all parts of the body and keeps the body healthy.
6.Upon reaching orgasm, the dehydroepiandrosterone hormone is released, which repairs the skin tissues. This keeps the skin glowing.
7.During sexual pleasure, when a person reaches orgasm, the level of oxytocin in the body increases up to 5 times. This gives relief from headache and depression.